Our vision
«We protect the environment; we secure the future»

Our mission

Our values

Our Strategy
The Green Dot strategy focuses on the following areas:
The System prepares annually and implements a communication strategy for a) the consumers (household sector) and b) the economic entities involved in the management (industrial/commercial sector), aiming to achieve the quantitative targets using a specific fund from the annual system budget.
The information program is implemented for entire Cyprus, adapted according to the specifics of each waste stream.
Green Dot’s message to society is “Live the modern EF ZIN(Wellbeing)”. For us, the modern EF ZIN means “Show respect and Build good habits”. We consider recycling as a good habit along with nutrition, learning, exercise and entertainment.
Cooperation with local authorities
The Organization, following its strategy for geographical expansions, includes new Municipalities and communities in its program, adhering its strategic plan.
Cooperation with large companies
Because Green Dot Cyprus is a Company whose main purpose is the promotion of Recycling and environmental awareness in general and because there are large companies in Cyprus, which in the context of their Corporate Social Responsibility prioritize issues of similar interest it is important and useful, for Green Dot to form corporate alliances in both the communication and operation sector.
Sorting Units
The modernization of the sorting units targeting to their upgrading, improving their capacity but also improving the quality of the material we trade, is an integral part of our strategy.
Creation of fenced glass recycling areas
In the context of strengthening glass recycling, in collaboration with leading supermarkets, the Organization proceeded to the creation of 30 fenced glass recycling areas in the parking lots of supermarkets.
There are plans for future installation of 20 more fenced areas, as part of the Organization’s Strategy.
Human Resource Development (Reskilling – Upskilling)
In order to cope with the new competitive environment and the new reality, the organization follows strategies of redefining and upgrading (reskilling and upskilling) its human resources, creating a professional career program.