BrainRocket is a brand-new software company, which has already taken Cyprus by a storm, both with the way it has been conducting business and with its approach towards recruiting talents.

Young and ambitious, with a workforce of 200+ employees, and its central hub in Limassol, BrainRocket develops and offers to its clients world-class, certified software and peripheral solutions in CMS, CRM back office systems, gaming platforms, mobile and web applications, e-payment systems and more.

A company’s corporate culture, principles, values, and vision are what shape its strategy and determine its success. This is why BrainRocket is bringing a fair and transparent set of values on the table, putting reliability, respect and responsibility first and foremost.

The BrainRocket as a company with environmental sensitivity and culture has already launched, under the guidance of Green Dot, the implementation of an integrated sorting and recycling program for paper, glass, batteries and PMD in its offices.

More specifically, it proceeded with the installation of large bins (for PMD, Paper and glass recycling), and will implement soon recycling bins in the design of their premises in the Galactica Limassol building where BRO’s office is settled down.

The motto of BrainRocket is “If you want to change the World – start from yourself”.

Due to pandemic situation the training recycling course by Green Dot will be arranged to the employees of Brain Rocket as soon as possible, when it is allowed by new measures.

As Green Dot we applaud such corporate cultures that highlight recycling and interest in the environment, and we are glad to have BrainRocket as an important corporate partner.